Business Data Solutions: Home

Why this blog?
I am finally -- happily -- retired after a decent run of almost 20 years in the IT business.
During those 20 years I worked as a developer, programmer, data analyst, trainer, college professor and IT consultant.
I came to IT late. The time immediately before was spent in sales and marketing.
I have many fond memories of my co-workers, my students and my customers. I even have fond memories of some of my bosses. I experienced many frustrations as well. Hopefully the stories in this blog will be instructive but also let readers know they are not alone.
I mulled over various names for my consulting business and settled on Business Data Solutions. I pictured myself creating databases and developing software that would help businesses solve their data problems. I learned that the problems were often with the people working at the business; that databases and software were just part of the solution.
Rick O'Brien
Start Dumbing Down Your Website
Google’s long talked-about “mobile first” strategy is now rolling out in earnest. Here is a quote from the Google Webmaster Central Blog of Monday, March 26, 2018:
Microsoft Becomes an Internet Company
It’s almost 20 years ago now since I attended a noisy product launch at a dark, cavernous convention centre on the outskirts of Toronto. The event was to promote Microsoft’s new “.NET everything” strategy.
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